Cornhill Community Action is a Registered Charity, number 1194535, and is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. There are currently nine trustees each of whom brings specialised expertise to the trust.
It was initially set up to assist Cornhill Parish Council (CPC) to manage the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of the former Cornhill First School (closed in July 2012) and its playing field from Northumberland County Council. At a public meeting in July 2019, it was decided that CPC should accept the CAT.
Working with CPC, the trustees agreed to re-commission the building as a community space with six ‘micro-units’ to be let to people intending to provide a service, broadly defined, for residents of the village and outlying settlements. The old playing field will be registered as Cornhill Village Green.
Work started on the refurbishment of the old school in March 2022 but could not continue in the summer because of lack of funds. Work resumed in the autumn of 2022. Designs for the Village Green are being considered and trees have already been planted.
The charity also acts as an ‘umbrella’ organisation for other groups, keeping money raised by the groups as separate ring-fenced funds within the charity’s bank account.
• Community Fund - the Cornhill Events Team organises the Summer Fair, the monthly Soup and Sandwich Lunch volunteers and special events, like those associated with the Illuminated Sheep Visual Arts Trail in October/November 2022.
• Cornhill Social History Group which has developed its own website.
• Festive Lights - the group manages and organises decoration in the village during the Advent and Christmas seasons.